Funderar du på att köpa “Principles of Fire Risk Assessments in Buildings”?


I det senaste numret av SFPE:s “Fire Protection Engineering” finns min recension av David Yungs “Principles of Fire Risk Assessment in Buildings”.

Performance-based codes are developing throughout the world, and countries are continuously being added to those who already have adopted this procedure of regulating fire safety. Many of the countries that introduced functional requirements in the mid-’90s are now revising the codes and using design methods to incorporate gained experience, as well as filling gaps where knowledge has been insufficient in the past. Such gaps exist, e.g., in design fires and in treatment of variability and uncertainty in the design of fire safety in structures. The book by David Yung serves a clear purpose in providing useful information on how to work with the concept of risk assessment when using a performance-based approach in the design and assessment of building fire safety.

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